Client Results

Read what our clients say about their journeys with us….


Egle’s Transformation

Egle first came to me unhappy with her current physique and habits. Her primary goals were focused on becoming generally more toned and healthy, additionally,  she wanted to improve her core strength and get her abs more toned.

She’s managed to consistently drop body fat over the weeks, losing a total of 8.2kg, or 7.3% Body Fat.

She’s been very dedicated and managed to maintain healthy lifestyle choices coupled with sensible eating habits over the last few months… all whilst being a mom, with all the glorious chores and time consuming responsibilities that entails !

EMPOWERING you to BECOME the best version of YOURSELF


Sue’s Transformation

Completely new to the gym, Sue’s main focus was to achieve a healthy weight range whilst boosting her confidence on the gym floor to attend classes. 

In her first 20 weeks she managed to lose a staggering 35Lb’s, shedding 12% body fat. 

She’s much more confident, progressing tremendously with her technique development and is now an avid class attendee. 

A true inspiration for anyone else who may find the gym floor an intimidating environment. 

She more recently achieved her weight loss target of 74kg in just 3 months, between Feb – June 2024


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