How to achieve and have the body shape you deserve?…….
Should you exercise when you’re on holiday?
Is it ok to miss the odd workout session here or there?
Are you safe to go out at the weekend and sink 10 pints but still hit your weight loss target?
Can you lose weight if you’re only making minor changes, irregularly?
Will binging on a kebab at the weekend throw you off your weight loss target for the week?…..
These questions you contemplate to yourself are paramount to your success!
In order to achieve something, however small or large a goal/target we set, strangely enough, we always seem to encounter barriers along the way, posing as resistance or obstacles we must overcome.
Figuratively speaking, more often than enough, the only barrier standing between whether you achieve something, or not, is actually just YOU.
It’s known that we are our worst critics, we seem to talk ourselves out of doing almost everything we set to accomplish, we give ourselves countless excuses and reasons why not following through on something is the best course of action to take.
YOU control whether you train for that half marathon.
You decide to get up an hour earlier to attend the fitness class before work.
A good personal trainer can provide you with an effective workout routine and nutritional strategy to lose weight or gain muscle.
Unfortunately, however, they can’t physically do the work for you, they can’t cook a delicious, healthy meal and hand feed it to you three times a day to ensure your getting the right nutrition into your body to support your goals.
They can’t make you follow their instructions for increasing your general activity outside of your 1-1 sessions together…..
The right tools will be provided to you, however ultimately, the responsibility to TAKE ACTION and utilise these tools lies entirely with YOU.
Only you, can be the motion behind your success, trainers can guide, motivate, direct and inspire but you need to provide the cogs with motion to initiate change.
Through your ACTION and ADHERENCE.
For some unknown reason, our brain is a sneaky, shifty little so and so that works tirelessly, subconsciously, to destroy our own success and achievement…Why? Who knows exactly why? It’s one of those phenomenon….
Interestingly however, it can largely be attributed to our old foe, a little voice in the back of our mind that causes you to question your actions, causes you to question your own judgement, your own instinct, your decisions, your choices…..
This little devil we all fall sucker to from time to time is a little leach called…..
What exactly do we fear?..…
Well, actually, most people strangely enough fear success, they fear success because they fear failure. How does that make sense?? Let me explain…..
Failure and success are one in the same….
No one becomes successful without first failing. No one achieves anything, without first failing somewhere along the way towards that achievement.
The two are intertwined together like a French plat, like YIN and YANG or like a piece of hefty rope!
In order to be successful at achieving anything in life, you have to control your fear of failure, you have to know that in order to become successful or achieve anything, you have to expect to fail, you have to understand that you will fail, at least once, twice or thrice along the way.
You have to ACCEPT that you WILL fail.
You have to ANTICIPATE failure.
Don’t allow your subconscious to divert you from your path, your plan, your routine or regime.
Don’t allow it to sabotage your success in losing that 1 stone in weight, don’t allow it to prevent you from going to the gym, prevent you from having the confidence to exercise in front of others.
Don’t allow it to talk you into staying at home and watching TV instead of going out on a jog on a beautiful summers evening.
Don’t allow it to divert your course towards becoming a better version of yourself, a healthier version, a happier version of yourself.
Don’t allow your mind to convince you that you don’t have the energy to go to the gym…action building your energy (Eating right, having a pre workout coffee, adapting your mindset with positivity (if I go to the gym I’ll feel better).
I’m not publishing this article because of any one of my experiences with previous clients.
I’m writing you this article because I understand how our modern culture has thwarted and seemingly robbed us of our ability to take control of our own actions and direction in life…
We can’t rely on others to take responsibility for us.
We and only we should be accountable for our actions. It’s the responsibility of no other, but ourselves.
Learning to become accountable allows you to TAKE CHARGE of your actions and direction in life.
It will make you fit, happy and healthy!
Until next time,
Stay Well!