OVER 75% of Americans ARE NOT getting enough physical activity…..Are you??

Are you part of the vast majority of people failing to undertake a minimum volume of exercise weekly? Read on to learn more…

Over 75% of Americans are not getting enough physical activity…Do you think you’re hitting your recommendations?…

There’s so much conflicting information flying around these days that it’s easy to forget some of the basics when it comes to improving health….


An integral cog in the health and weight loss wheel…Do you believe you are exercising to the volume advised?….

Let’s find out….

National government guidelines recommend adults should partake in a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise every week.

That’s the equivalent of 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise 5 days per week.

KEEP in mind, these are MINIMUM figures…ideally, you SHOULD be doing DOUBLE!

Moderate exercise could include; power walking, cycling on flats steadily, hiking and steady swimming.

Vigorous exercise includes; playing rugby or football, hockey, aerobics, gymnastics, fast swimming, martial arts, jogging or running and cycling on hills or at a faster pace.


Current statistics show that only 22.9% of the American public are achieving the recommended guidelines for weekly physical activity!

That’s LESS THAN ¼ of the whole population!


It’s not much different for us either….In the UK around 1/3 of the population are inactive…that’s over 20 million people! Inactive, i.e. do not exercise or take part in any sports or physical activity (couch warriors).


Think about what exercise or activities you may enjoy by yourself, with friends, or, could do together with the family…T

here’s no harm in trying different things to narrow down what it is you enjoy if you’re unsure?….Join an exercise class..Pilates, circuits, LBT’s, Zumba, Aerobics, boxercise, spinning, kettlebells..there’s so many different options YOU can try!

Join a martial arts club, start weight training, play tennis, go out walking or hiking, get some friends together and join a local bootcamp….

Opportunities are endless! You don’t have to be an athlete to exercise …


For good health, weight training should also be incorporated into your weekly activity for a minimum of 2x sessions per week….

That goes to adults of all ages and both men & women….I will tell you more about this in a future post!

THINK about how you could become more active in daily life…walk to the shops…walk the kids to school…walk/job/cycle to work, cycle to the gym, walk the dogs/kids/cat….whatever.

Would you like to get into running but you haven’t ran for months?…

That’s no problem, JOIN your local running club….

They would love to have new members come along and the other members will be there to welcome and support you as a newbie, everyone likes to see more people getting involved! It doesn’t matter if you’re out of shape or completely new to the sport or activity…


I mean..What’s really to think about??….


You’ll get fit….feel better….look better….meet new friends…be part of a new community!

I GUARANTEE you will thank yourself for it!!

Make the change TODAY!!

Until next time,

Stay Well





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